3D Love Heart Tree Pop Up Card

3D Love Heart Tree Pop Up Card


Let your love grow, with our 3D Love Heart Tree Pop Up Card.

Our iPapyrus 3D Love Heart Tree Pop Up Card is the perfect way to send some love. The card features a passionate red front with a stunning heart tree illustration. As your lucky recipient opens the card, out springs a spectacular 3D Love Heart Tree, sure to spark a smile. Whether for Valentine’s Day, Birthday, Anniversary, or simply for a date night surprise, our 3D Heart Tree Card makes a more memorable alternative to any standard card.

Perfect for those occasions when you really want to show someone that they are special, it is not just a greeting card it is also a wonderful personal gift that they can treasure.

This amazing card is comprised of many patterns of paper that are delicately slotted and glued together by hand to create a beautiful pop up card.

All our cards can be kept flat and opened when required to show friends and family how awesome they are.

This card is truly collectible and will be treasured for years. All our cards are made from high quality paper so that you can keep enjoying our pop up card forever.

Supplied flat with an envelope and with space to write your message, this 3D pop up card will definitely make it onto the recipient's mantelpiece.

We hope you enjoy sending them as much as we enjoyed making them.

Front Message: Blank

Inside Message: Blank

Contents: 1 card with coordinating white envelope

Packaging: Cello sleeve

Size: 230 mm x 180 mm

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