Basket Ball Pop Up Card

Basket Ball Pop Up Card


Featuring a fabulous geometric design, this pop up card is one for all Basketball lovers.

Uniquely wonderful, you can be sure this card will be the only one of its kind standing proudly on display whatever the special occasion, with an eye-catching design and awesome colouration; it is going to be a talking point for sure.

Earn yourself a real slam dunk with friends and loved ones, and have the cards personally customised to be used as party invitations or as thank you cards after the party.

The bright and vibrant orange base card livens up the game and showcases the talented players as one pops up and magnificently scores the ball through the hoop.

The card is designed and produced by highly skilled craftsmen using only the highest quality card to ensure durability over the years, as this card will definitely have a firm place in the memory box!

All our three-dimensional cards are made from high quality paper and finely assembled so that your recipients will be able to keep taking pleasure from these wonderfully intricate pop-up cards time and time again.

Front Message: Blank

Inside Message: Blank

Contents: 1 card with coordinating white envelope

Packaging: Cello sleeve

Size: 150 mm x 180 mm

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